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Purpose - 6 Reasons & Tips why you should find yours!

Writer's picture: Priyesh Khanderia Priyesh Khanderia


Purpose is defined as the reason for something being done or the reason it has been created. When we think of our life purpose, we are trying to give reason to our creation. Nowadays, it can feel like it is a crime not to have a purpose and it can add pressure on an individual who is still trying to find themselves. This can be overwhelming for any individual. However, the notion of purpose comes from the idea that every individual has been created for a unique reason. Digging a little deeper, this statement means that deep down you already know what you’d like to do as our purpose is embedded in things that bring us joy and meaning. One idea behind purpose is to live a life that has meaning. Now finding meaning can be achieved by focusing on the things that are important to you. Therefore, rather than thinking of purpose as this “perfect” goal, take time to sit with what things you’d like to simply do in your life and visualise if the process of doing these things will bring you joy. This article breaks down 6 reasons why you should take the time to try and find your purpose.

1) Gives life a meaning

There comes an age in life where we as humans begin to question our meaning, why we are here and what we should do with our lives. Meaning itself can be seen as an abstract goal and can often lead us to feel more stressed when we don’t come up with a strong enough reason. However, by putting the focus on other aspects of our lives we can develop a purpose.

Purpose can give life meaning. When we begin to understand our purpose we can understand why we are doing the things we choose to do. This makes all the difference, as once we understand why we are doing our day-to-day tasks they are given meaning.

Meaning itself has a range of benefits that can help improve the human experience. For one, meaning can lead to better physical health and mental fitness. These two alone, are enough to create a holistic boost. Meaning also can help boost our self-worth and self-confidence. These go hand in hand, as meaning helps us understand the value of life and therefore we naturally feel more confident when we think about our self-worth.

Purpose Tip #1

  • Write down all the things that we do in life that give us meaning

  • Write reasons on why these things mean something to us

  • Identify any similarities in these points

  • Ask yourself:

  • Do any of these shed light on how I would like to spend my time on this planet

  • How can I spend more time doing these things that I find valuable?

2) Helps you understand what success means to you and not everyone else

Our idea of success as a society can be seen as warped. That means that there seems to be a certain image attached to success. So when you ask: What does success look like? Most people would reply; money, house, car, attractive partner. Is it reasonable that in a world, with 8 billion people, we share the same idea of success? Enter Purpose.

Purpose is an individualistic concept; it is the reason for something being done. When we begin to understand what our purpose looks like, we start creating an individual path. This means that the stereotype of success goes out the window, as that may not match up to what our pathway looks like. When we begin to define what our purpose could look like, it may result in decisions that only you are willing to take, and that is completely fine! Comparison is known to be the thief of joy, and when you begin to create an individualistic pathway you will undoubtedly stop taking others’ definition of success as your own. You will begin to have your benchmarks, goals and accomplishments that will be defined as steps towards your purpose.

Purpose Tip #2:

  • Start by visualising (mind maps, journaling, imagination etc.) what you think of success

  • Question where you got that idea from

  • If it came from you keep it!

  • If it came from what you think other people define as success remove it!

  • Eventually, you’ll be left with an image of what success means to you!

3) Gives your life direction

Finding purpose gives concrete direction to our lives. Direction is also referred to as the path we decide to take in life. When we can understand what our purpose could be, we can understand what direction our life must go in. For example, if your purpose is focused on providing music to the world then your direction becomes clearer. To provide music on a global scale you would invest time into practising instruments, singing and performing. Additionally, you would seek role models and mentors in the music industry to better gauge your pathway. Thus, by understanding your purpose your life suddenly has direction. Direction in life benefits us in many ways. Most importantly, we don’t feel constantly lost thinking about what to do next, and whether we should try this or that. This benefits us, as we are not constantly battling decision fatigue. Additionally, you can see the bigger picture. This allows you to see all the little steps you have to take in your journey, thus making it easier to focus and take necessary action. Direction also directly affects our resilience during transitory periods. Life is going to be filled with twists and turns, and knowing our destination (purpose) makes it easier to plan and adjust our route there (direction).

Purpose tip #3

  • Think about all the varying directions you have taken in life already and write them down. This could be;

Education choices and pathway

The reasons for the job you are currently/plan to work at

What drives you to follow each pathway you have chosen

  • Now looking at them all one by one, close your eyes and see how important they are to you

  • On a separate sheet, rewrite the important pathways and make goalposts of 5,10,15 & 25 years

  • Write all the possible things you would like to achieve using this direction past

4) Aids you in finding out who you are

Our purpose is seen as our life’s mission. Therefore, it is safe to say that it can be a reflection of who you are or who you are trying to be.

When we are trying to find our purpose, it is pivotal that we do not think of it as homework. Whereby, copying someone else’s purpose will help save us time and also give us the same fulfilment. This is simply not true. What it will show you, is how much harder it is to achieve a dream that is not ours. It will also show you that using ‘ctrl c and ctrl v’ for our life’s work will almost certainly bring us none of the fulfilment we thought it would.

However difficult it can be, you can always understand what your purpose is. This is because your purpose requires you to just be who you truly are. Not what your family want you to be, not what your friends want you to be; just your authentic self.

By finding your purpose you can translate it into who you are, as the process of working towards your purpose will shape you to become your truest self. This has massive benefits, as you can align with our inner navigation tools which show us whether we are on the right path through our feelings. Additionally, you are no longer trying to mould yourself to fit in with everyone else – you are just able to be!

Purpose tip #4 – Values Exercise

  • Write down the values you currently hold. This could be;

Moving forward in life

Being honest


  • They are things that you centre your behaviours around

  • Once you can see what values you hold

  • Add values you would like to have, and highlight the values you would rather not have

  • This exercise should allow you to see who you currently are, and who you would like to be

5) Focus on a goal bigger than yourself – A Higher Purpose

It’s not about you, it’s about what you here to do. These are examples of self-talk someone may give themselves before they are about to embark on a challenge to serve others. Similarly, often when we find our purpose, it is not about us. It’s about using the skillset we have to support something bigger than ourselves, a higher purpose.

This often occurs, as the true purpose is about connecting yourself to the world. Connecting yourself to the world can be as local as your family, all the way to being a global influencer. Individuals who think about putting their families first have an innate drive fuelled by survival. Not his own, but his family! The purpose here is bigger than themselves, and therefore they are not thinking about bolstering their ego. It is about providing a life for a family you are responsible for. This is a higher purpose, and maybe not your obvious kind.

Knowing your purpose itself, can push you towards a higher purpose – a purpose that requires you to put yourself second, and understand what work you are here to do. It could be to provide, help influence change, push for equal rights, spread love etc. Once you understand your purpose, you’ll begin to understand how the world can benefit from your work. This provides you with sustainable motivation, as you are not just doing it for yourself anymore. Even if you began your purpose work for yourself, the minute you connect it to the service you give to others, it will eventually shift from self-centred to self-less work.

Purpose tip #5 – Bigger than Me

  • Write down all the world organisations, movements, organisations, entities that you are a part of, or follow

  • Circle all the options that you are the most interested in and passionate about

  • Brainstorm all the ways you could aid these movements/entities, and how that makes you feel

  • Once you’ve completed this, ask yourself the following question:

Is my potential work for this industry/movement bigger than me?

6) Helps create passion in your life

Passion is a vital ingredient of life; it can be compared to the fire someone has within. When you see someone doing an activity with passion, you can almost feel that fire. Similarly, when you are faced with someone who is lacking passion the disinterest is noticeable. When you understand what your purpose could be, the inner fire within will come alive. Thus purpose can kick-start passion.

When our passion is low, we can often feel like we’re on auto-pilot – moving from one thing to the other. Purpose helps bring passion to life, and therefore there is a complete switch in the level of energy you have available to you. You can understand why you are doing what you are doing, and this ‘why’ helps you be more engaged with what you’re doing.

Purpose sparking passion can have additional benefits outside of what you’re trying to accomplish. It can help spread that spark across other areas of your life. Thus, you will be able to pay attention to your family and loved ones, whilst also being able to find the energy to put into your health and career. This is because passion helps you care more about putting in your maximum effort this is much more fulfilling than the alternative (which is, putting in 30-60% effort whilst on auto-pilot).

Purpose tip #6 – Adding Spark

  • Write down all the major activities of your week

  • Give yourself an honest score (out of 10), on how much you try.

  • Try an understand which major activities are on the lower level of effort, and why some areas are given higher effort

  • Write mini-goals for each of these major activities to try to add spark for the next time you do them!

Final Thoughts

There are many reasons why taking time to pursue your purpose can help solve an array of issues. The 6 reasons above focus on how purpose can help be a stepping stone for all major aspects of life.

Purpose shouldn’t be seen as a separate aspect, but as something, we try to integrate into everything that we do. Not something we only do during our working hours. Putting all your time into finding your purpose isn’t advisable either. It is about finding a balance. Use some of your time to focus on the essentials in life, but ensure you then take time to evaluate whether you are feeling fulfilled.

The closer you get to uncovering your purpose, the more fulfilled you will begin to feel. It is something we take our time to work towards, followed by implementation across all aspects of life.

Nowadays we can even feel too overwhelmed to begin thinking about our life’s purpose when it can be as simple as “to spread the love”.

Do you feel pressured to find your purpose?

Are you someone who feels they can be more fulfilled in life but don’t know where to start?

Try some of the tips mentioned in the article above, and see if they provide some clarity.

Click here to find out more about Self Love Clinic’s coaching and counselling sessions, for more ways you can be supported on a journey of self-love!



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